
Hello World! I'm Anmol Agarwal ā™Ž

From India šŸ•‰ļø

Connect with me:


Vaibhav3011 Vaibhav2002


I'm a Software Engineer and Engineering Student -

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» Iā€™m currently working on Web Scraping, Full Stack Development and Industrial Internet of Things.

šŸ“š Iā€™m currently learning everything about Python and Nodejs and DevOps.
- #### šŸ“¬ How to reach me: [Drop me a text!](

šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ Future Goals: Learn more technologies - Never stop creating new ideas.

āš” Fun fact: Life is directed by Robert B. Weide

Languages šŸ› 

[![My Programming Languages](,java,python,html,css,androidstudio,spring,selenium)](

Development Frameworks and Libraries

[![My Development](,gradle,nodejs)](

Databases and Cloud Platforms šŸ› 

[![My Databases and Cloud](,sqlite,postgres)](

IDEs and Tools

[![My IDEs and Tools](,androidstudio,idea,vscode,git,github,arduino,postman)](

Socials [![My Socials](,twitter,instagram,discord)](

Github Statistics šŸ“ˆ


github contribution grid snake animation


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